Category Doors

Do Wood Doors Have To Match Wood Floors?

A collage of a wood and and a wood floor, Do Wood Doors Have To Match Wood Floors?

Coordinating your doors with your floors is typically a top priority when designing your interior. They are two of the largest pieces that you’ll see in a space, so it’s important to maintain cohesiveness. So, do wood doors and wood…

When To Replace Garage Door Trim?

Double doors and one door garage. North America. - When To Replace Garage Door Trim?

Is the look of your garage door trim bothering you and you’re thinking if you should have it replaced already? When is it okay to do so? That’s what we asked the garage door experts and here’s what we found…

Do Wood Doors Expand In Summer?

A wooden door surrounded by green vine on summer day, Do Wood Doors Expand In Summer?

Expanding doors can be a real pain. The constant clicking and banging can be annoying, and if left unchecked, an expanding door can damage both the door frame and the door itself. Thankfully, we did research on how to fix…

Should Storm Door Match Front Door Color?

Package infront of a blue storm door, Should Storm Door Match Front Door Color?

Many homeowners agonize over what color to paint their storm door. Should it match the color of their front door, or should it be a different color? Which option provides the best look for your home? Luckily, we did research…

19 Exterior French Door Paint Color Ideas

Dark color of a double french door, 19 Exterior French Door Paint Color Ideas

French doors are one of the most underutilized front door options a lot of people miss out on for their homes. Typically, they are used for patios and backyard doors, but many homes have chosen to use French doors as…